1 UMMA Object
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This is a rubbing of a figure with the head of a pig dressed in robes. The right hand holds a staff with a crescent moon shape at the top, and the left hand holds a dagger.<br />
<p>These rubbings are taken from reliefs of the twelve Chinese zodiac animal deities on the surface of guardian rocks (&egrave;&shy;&middot;&ccedil;&Yuml;&sup3;, hoseok ) placed around the edge of the tumulus of General Kim Yusin (&eacute;&Dagger;&lsquo;&aring;&ordm;&frac34;&auml;&iquest;&iexcl;, 595&acirc;&euro;&ldquo;673) on Songhwasan Mountain (&aelig;&frac34;&egrave;&Scaron;&plusmn;&aring;&plusmn;&plusmn;) in Gyeongju, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province. The twelve animal deities guard the twelve Earthly Branches which can be interpreted as spatial directions. Each animal deity has the face of a certain animal and a body of human. The twelve animal deities occur in the following order according to the Chinese zodiac: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. While the twelve deities on g
Korean (Korean (culture or style))
Twelve Zodiac Animals: Pig
1945 – 1980
Transfer from the Department of the History of Art, Slide and Photograph Collection, gift of Mrs. Pilsoon L. Chun